Thursday, December 29, 2011

Super power discovered

So my wisdom teeth are gone.  Apparently I'm not affected by the side effects of drugs, because when I woke up after the surgery I was wide awake, when both my brother and sister couldn't stay conscious.  And the pain medicine that normally makes you loopy doesn't do a thing to me.  I think i'll say it's my super power :) Not that I can fight crime with it but who cares. At least the evil scientists putting those side effects in medicine can't get to me. Now I just need to think of a name....

Monday, December 5, 2011


So basically.. I have no life outside of school right now.  Have to make up a ton of homework and tests (literally a ton, I weighed it) Then there's also the band rehearsals after school Monday Wednesday Friday, sectionals Wednesday and Thursday, two tests tomorrow and a test thursday. Also Wednesday we miss school to go to Salt Lake for the Pearl Harbor performance, so I'll miss even more..

Thus, if I had one wish right now, I'd wish that either I could stop time or I didn't have to sleep.  Then I'd have plenty of time :)

But even after missing three days of school, I thought it was quite funny that I still had a 3.8 when I got back :) that doesn't mean I didn't have work to do, just means they hadn't entered it in.. but it made me happy nonetheless.  I mean, I had a 1.3 when I came back from fall tour last year, and we missed less days.

Basically I can't wait for christmas break. I'll come home the last day of school before, fall asleep, and wake up on christmas and open presents.
Sadly, two days after Christmas, I'm getting my wisdom yanked out of my mouth... Merry Christmas to me!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Stupid dogs and Figure skating

So, I drove to my Grandmas to do a kind thing and help pick up leaves and what happens? I have to take two detours and I almost hit a dog.  The first detour (on the way there) was okay, just long.  Because of this, I took an alternate way home.  Luckily, (sarcasm) there was another detour! This one was really confusing and I ended up getting lost. And while I was lost, a crazy dog ran right in front of my car, and pretty much if I had waited a second longer to brake or it had run slightly slower, I would've hit it. So, I eventually made it home, but it was a crazy drive. I laugh at you Karma. Your just a myth!

Also, here's a picture of my alternate identity, a figure skater :) enjoy! sorry it's kinda blurry

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Good things come to those who... are lazy

So.. some of you saw my facebook post about my car getting covered in shaving cream, including the word rainbow... i'm still not sure who it was, but I'm too lazy to find out :)
But anyway, I cleaned it all off, only to realize later that there was some on the sunroof still.  Of course, I never got around to cleaning it, but luckily my laziness paid off.  It rained last night and washed all the shaving cream off the sunroof :)
So, as you can see, contrary to popular belief, being lazy can bring about great rewards of more laziness.

Here's a song I heard about laziness I enjoyed :)
The Importance Of Being Idle

Monday, October 31, 2011

The Following...

So... getting people to follow you :). Seems like that's a big part of blogging.  It's hard work, being good enough for people to want to read your blog. And what's the point of writing if there's only like 2 or 3 people reading it? But anyway, I'm writing this because I've heard from a couple people that tried to follow me that it wouldn't let them in the followers box.  If you want to follow me-- and who wouldn't? ;) --you may need to push the "Follow" button at the top of the page. Just thought you'd wanna know :)
Stay Classy! Like this guy (Neal Caffrey)

Friday, October 28, 2011

What's a Euphonium?

I play the euphonium. I love it, except for one little fact.. no one (except people in band) knows what the heck a euphonium is.  So, for those of you who fall under this category, you've come to the right place! (if you don't go ahead and read anyway!)

Enjoy this picture of a random guy playing a euphonium.

Why did I pick the euphonium?.... I really don't know. It just sounded fun at the time. But my opinion is that it's one of the best instruments ever, just sayin. It's right up there with the mouth harp and the conch shell. I mean, the word itself means sweet-sounding and soothing (well, that's what euphonious means, but close enough right?) But anyway, I get sick of everyone asking what I play, answering, then seeing they're very confused facial expression and knowing I have to try to explain.  I should just always have a bunch of pictures of it with me. I am pretty lazy.
Well, that's my instrument :) spread the word and maybe my job will be a little easier.
Go euphonium players of the world!

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Welcome to my blog. Home of laughter and entertainment (or at least will be). I hope you enjoy your stay, cause I put a lot of work into this (or at least might eventually) Anyway, have fun and tell people about my awesome blog :)

"Ambition is a poor excuse for not having sense enough to be lazy."
Milan Kundera